Other Ways to Get Involved


Here are some other ways you can get involved with your heritage and with the family organization:


  • Visit a Milo-related historic site
  • Plan a family reunion with your Andrus family, cousins, etc.
  • Share what you have learned about Milo from this website with your children
  • Blog about Milo Andrus, the website, the family organization, or an Andrus Family reunion you attended
  • Send an e-mail about us to your family and friends
  • Follow the Milo Andrus Family Organization on Facebook
  • Sign up for the e-mail newsletter
  • Write a life history about someone in your family and submit it to us
  • Write a report of a visit you made to a Milo-related historic site or a reunion you attended and submit it to us
  • Share your expertise and help us further develop the website (articles, Flash games, graphic design, HTML programming, etc.)
  • Send us feedback about reunions, the organization, and the website
  • Help us spread the word about Milo and the family organization!