President’s Message: July 2007 — From New President Brent Andrus
It was wonderful meeting and visiting with so many of you at our recent Milo Andrus Family reunion. Many thanks go to those who worked so hard to make the reunion such a tremendous success. Special thanks go to Craig and Laura Anderson and extended family for their many contributions to the reunion. The Saturday morning breakfast was absolutely fabulous, and the park was the ideal setting for everything else. Thanks to De Lane Andrus Hyer for the play about Milo and his wives, and again to Laura for her dedication in organizing and presenting it. The play was the perfect ending to a great reunion. I am certain that Milo, his wives and our other ancestors would be very pleased with all of the events of the reunion.
I would be remiss if I did not add my special thanks to Merrill Andrus for his leadership of this organization over the last four years. Much has been accomplished under his leadership, and he has left some very big shoes to fill. Thanks also to Don Andrus for his vision and courage in revitalizing this organization four years ago. I am grateful for the talents, dedication and willingness of each of you in moving this organization forward. As I assume the responsibility for leading the Milo Andrus Family organization, I am both humbled and honored to represent you. There remains much work to be done in many areas, including ancestral research, descendancy tracking and temple work. I encourage each of you to get involved in any way you can to help further the work of this great organization. Your donations of time, talents and money are greatly appreciated and much needed to accomplish our mission. I expect that we will witness some significant developments in many areas in the coming months and years. If you haven’t done so already, be sure you sign up to receive email updates as new information is posted on this website.
Thank you again for all your prayers and support.
Sincerely your brother,
Brent M. Andrus
2 Responses to “President’s Message: July 2007 — From New President Brent Andrus”
Got something to say?
Thank You Brent for taking the time to serve as the President. I hope to be of some help in the huge task of doing the Andrus Family work, and all that will entail. I do know that miracles happen after all we can do! So, let us do much!
De Lane
hi. I was born 20 years ago and as im finding out brent andrus is a very common name so if this is not you i am so very sorry for waisting your time. I am the daughter of a Tricia Brinkerhoff and am looking for my real father. He signed his rights away when I was born and i found out wat his name was when i saw the court papers after i found my mother.