Update to Lucy Loomis’ Gravestone
From Terrie Ann Boyer Coleman, a descendant of Lucy Loomis:
I am a Milo Andrus descendant but a late comer to this organization, having attended the gathering last year (2007) at the Pioneer Village reunion. I attended with my Aunt Ann and cousin Linda and we really enjoyed it, and the wives play, too.
This year (2008), at Memorial Day, I once again visited Lucy Loomis' grave in the Spanish Fork cemetary and it once again bugged me that there was no mention of Milo being her husband on her headstone. (I thought perhaps that her Tuttle children had paid for the headstone and thereby decided to mention their father as her husband but not Milo. I don't know for sure but that seems like a likely explanation.)
So, I had a little money left from years ago when we used to have Jacob Gardner Andrus Reunions (my maternal grandfather). I had a brainstorm to have a brass plaque made to explain that connection and install it as an addition to the really cool old headstone of Lucy Loomis. I didn't want to do any damage or change the original in any way, just add more information. So, after talking to my Aunt Ann Andrus Kempton and my cousin Linda Madsen Bennett we decided to do it.
I first got permission from the cemetary sextant. My hope is that people visiting Lucy's final resting place in the Andrus plot next to her son Alma Andrus will have a better understanding of her connection to the Andrus family.
Please feel free to visit and check it out. Here are some photos taken that rainy day. I thought the Milo Family Organization might be interested in this update of one of the wife lines.
One Response to “Update to Lucy Loomis’ Gravestone”
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Hi everyone. I had no idea you were out there. I’m just getting into my family history and found out Milo Andrus is my great-great grandfather through his wife Margaret Ann Boyce. They were married on February 15, 1857. My cousin, Dan Andrus, pointed me to the web site for Milo and here I am. I would love any information or family histories you might have. Thanks.