Which Wife?

(Poll for March 2007)



4 Responses to “Which Wife?”

  1. Monty Gibb on March 8th, 2007 5:19 pm

    I am just getting started on the ancestry of our line. So far I have found out that the wife line is Margaret Anne Boyce and Milo Sr. was Grandfathers Dad. Other than that , I know nothing. Where is the best place to look for history? Thabnks for your help.

  2. Andy Andrus on March 9th, 2007 8:05 am

    In answer to your question, here are a few ideas:
    — Contact the Margaret Ann Boyce wife life representative Afton Buchanan (bawk3683@sbcglobal.net), she can tell you what current genealogical research is being done and tell you ways you can help.
    — Read the brief life history of Margaret Ann Boyce here on this website: http://miloandrus.typepad.com/the_milo_andrus_family_or/2006/12/life_history_of_7.html
    — Go over to the Andrus Family Genealogy website, here you can see Maragaret Ann Boyce’s genealogy, and, if you click on the Notes tab on her page you will see more detail about her life and history. You can get to her page by clicking here: http://gedview.rulufandazuba.org/individual.php?pid=I2924&ged=ruluf.ged
    — Come to the reunion this summer, where you will meet other Margaret Ann Boyce descendants.
    Hope this helps.

  3. laura ann charter on September 7th, 2009 7:00 pm

    margaret ann boyce and milo andrus had isadore andrus. isadore married lars james larson who had aaron larson who is my grandma edith larsons dad.edith larson is my mother,laurae lawrences mom. then theres me. laura ann charter

  4. Mary Jean Andrus Thompson on December 20th, 2009 5:14 pm

    love learning about Grandpa Milo and Grandma Abigail Jane I am soooo proud to say I am an Andrus. I am just getting re-involved with the family newsletters, my Mom and Dad got the Andrus Recorder for years and I have made a scrapbook of all the issues I was able to keep and Love the geneology that they contain hope to attend the next reunion.

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