Sarah Ann Miles

(No Known Picture)
Born: March 9, 1818 — Salisbury, Gallia County (now Meigs), Ohio
Baptized into the LDS Church: 1845(?) (age 27)
Married Milo Andrus: 1848 (age 30)
Children with Milo: 1
— Milo, Jr.
Other Children: 1 (Her first husband, Charles Sellew, did not convert to the LDS Church; she divorced him and moved West.)
Died: November 28, 1851 (age 33) — buried in Holladay, Utah
About Sarah Ann Miles
History of Sarah Miles (From the Play “The Life and Wives of Milo Andrus”)
Holladay Stake Maintains Old Pioneer Memorial Park
Newspaper article from 1958 that mentions Sarah Ann Miles gravestone.