The Wills of Ann Brooks’ Father, Uncle, Grandfather, and Grandmother

Annbrooks DeLane Hyer has been doing research on Ann Brooks (Milo's seventh wife). She recently located and transcribed the wills for:

  • James Simkins (Ann's father)
  • William Simkins (Ann's uncle)
  • Edmund Simkins (Ann's paternal grandfather)
  • Mary Wyberd Simkins (Ann's paternal grandmother)

According to DeLane, these wills clear up a lot of confusion we have had in the past.

In this document (PDF) you will find transcriptions of the wills and a summary of the important information found in each one.

James Simkins (Ann's Father) Proved Will

A "proved will" is a copy of a will. The original will has been established as genuine by the court and then copied into official records.

Click each picture below to enlarge them.


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William Simkins (Ann's Uncle) Proved Will


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Edmund Simkins (Ann's Paternal Grandfather) Original Will


Original Will


Close-up of signature.


Elizabeth Brooks Simkins Widow Attachment – This was attached to the end of the will. It was part of Elizabeth's effort to claim her inheritance. It is the only place we can find where she calls herself Elizabeth Simkins or indicates that she was married.


One Response to “The Wills of Ann Brooks’ Father, Uncle, Grandfather, and Grandmother”

  1. Laura Anderson on May 16th, 2010 6:26 am

    This will is of Edmund Simkin’s wife Elizabeth this is a brother of James we did not know this until the will was obtained. It would still be of interest to see all the information in the will as it lists family inheritance and places of residence. De Lane Hyer is doing this project.

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