2007 Reunion
The 2007 reunion of the Milo Andrus Family was held Friday and Saturday, June 15 and 16, in Salt Lake City, Utah. There were 100+ people at the various events. People in attendance came from as far away as San Diego, Tennessee, and Canada. People were able to reconnect with cousins, make new acquaintances, learn about the latest genealogical research, and learn more about the lives of Milo and his wives and children.
(Click here to see the original announcement and schedule of events of the 2007 reunion.)
Here are some of the highlights of the event:
Wife Line Reunions
Wife line reunions were held Friday night in various locations from Spanish Fork to Tooele. Attendance at each reunion ranged from 30 to 100 people. Two of the wife lines elected new wife line representatives. Irene Witmer, wife line represenative for Sarah Ann Miles, will be replaced by Don Jensen and J. Mark Andrus, wife line representative for Mary Ann Webster, will be replaced by Edwin Andrus.
(Read more: Report of Wife Line Reunions Held June 2007)
Breakfast and Business Meeting
Don Andrus (Jane Munday), family organization secretary (far left), signs in participants at the breakfast and business meeting.
Participants enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes, suasage, and eggs.
Craig Anderson (Jane Munday wife line) (right) and others help to prepare the food.
Breakfast was a great time to meet new people and to visit.
Thousands of historical pictures related to all the wife lines were displayed. Many of them were recent finds and had never been seen before.
Merrill Andrus (Jane Munday), family organization president, conducts the business meeting.
There were approximately 100 people in attendance at the business meeting.
Each of the wife line representatives gave a report on their wife line reunion and on other recent activities.
Afton Buchanan, wife line representative for Margaret Ann Boyce, made us aware that Margaret Ann Boyce’s headstone in the Cottonwood cemetery had been removed in 1982 to make way for the new headstone that marks Milo’s grave. She suggested that a new headstone be installed. The family organization agreed and plans are currently under way to make it happen.
A new family organiztion president and vice-president were elected. Brent Andrus (Jane Munday) (right) was elected president. He had previously been serving as the vice-president. Mark Milo Andrus (Abigail Jane Daley) (left) was elected vice-president, he had previously been serving as the newsletter mailing list coordinator. Don Andrus (Jane Munday) will stay on as secretary and treasurer. Ray Andrus (Jane Munday) will stay on as genealogical research coordinator.
Touring and Program at “This Is the Place” Heritage Park
The next stop was “This Is The Place” Heritage Park where family members enjoyed touring Milo’s house and participating in other pioneer related games and activities.
Caleb and Olivia Andrus (Jane Munday) enjoy playing typical pioneer games at the Brigham Young house.
The final event of the reunion took place at the Bowery.
Family members were able to visit and look at displays of historical pictures.
The highlight of the program was a play about Milo, his wives, and their familes. It was researched and written by De Lane Andrus Hyer and Laura Anderson (Jane Munday).
In the play, women representing each of Milo’s wives told their life stories. Many of the stories were new and had never been heard before.
Merrill Andrus, outgoing family organization president, played Milo and ended the play by giving a speech based on actual talks given by Milo during his life time.
You can read the the script of the play (PDF) here.
The reunion was a great event enjoyed by all who attended.