I. Name
The within constitute the by-laws of the Milo Andrus Family Organization, Inc., a non-profit corporation, (Level 1). Throughout this document The Milo Andrus Family Organization, Inc., will be called the Organization. Organizations of the wife-lines of Milo Andrus shall be called Wife-Line Families (Level 2). Family organizations under the Wife-Line Families shall be called Sub-Wife-Line Families (Levels 3 through 7).
II. Purpose
Section 1. The purpose of this non-profit corporation shall be (1) to promote genealogical research, (2) to maintain a record of Milo Andrus, his wives and posterity, (3) to disseminate information relating to the ancestry and posterity of Milo Andrus (4) and such other purposes and powers set forth herein, in the Articles of Incorporation and Amendments thereto and as otherwise provided for by law.
Section 2. In furtherance of these objectives, this organization may make distribution of its assets to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code 1954 (or corresponding provision of any United States internal revenue and related law). Notwithstanding any other provisions of these by-laws, this organization shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purpose of this organization.
III. Government
Section 1. Unless otherwise provided herein, all power, business, and property of the Organization shall be held, exercised, conducted and controlled by the Board of Directors. Membership of the Board of Directors shall be as follows:
Vice President
Presidents or representatives of the Wife-Line Families when the same are in existence and available
Research Coordinator
Information Coordinator
The presidents or representatives of the Wife-Line Families who serve as members of the board shall be chosen as determined by the methods and procedures of the respective Wife-Line Families. The other members of the board shall be chosen as provided for hereinafter by these By-Laws.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall execute policies of the Board of Directors. Membership of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Research Coordinator
- Information Coordinator
Section 3. Wife-Line Families and Sub-Wife-Line Families shall be responsible for genealogical research along the respective wife-lines of Milo Andrus, with the help of the Research Coordinator and Information Coordinator. These families shall draft their own Articles of Incorporation and constitutions, by-law or other organizational documents and establish, and maintain their own organizations. The presiding officer of each Wife-Line Family shall be called President.
IV. Election of Officers
Section 1. The President and Vice President shall be elected either at a reunion of the members of the Milo Andrus Family which shall include all descendants and spouses of descendants of Milo Andrus when and if such reunion is held and in lieu of such a reunion in any one year, by the members of the Milo Andrus Family Organization, Inc., a non-profit corporation, which members are defined as one representative when available from each of the wife-lines of Milo Andrus to be selected by whatever means the descendants of each of the wife-lines of Milo Andrus determine. The President and Vice-President shall each serve for four (4) years.
Before the reunion of the Milo Andrus Family or before the annual meeting of the members of the within non-profit corporation, in which the President and Vice President shall be elected, the Board of Directors shall invite members of the Milo Andrus Family Organization, Inc., a non-profit corporation, to submit names for consideration. At the reunion or at the meeting of members of the within non-profit corporation, the Board of Directors shall present to the attendees at the reunion or the members of the within non-profit corporation two (2) candidates for President and (2) candidates for Vice-President. Additional nomination may be made from the floor by the Organization members or be attendees or by attendees at the reunion of the Milo Andrus Family.
At the reunion and/or at the meeting of the members of the within corporation in which the President and Vice President shall be elected, voting will be done by secret ballot. A committee of three persons appointed by the Board of Directors shall count the ballots. Results of the election shall be announced at the reunion and/or at the meeting of the Board of Directors and the new President and Vice-President shall assume their duties immediately.
Section 2. The Secretary/Treasurer, Research Coordinator and Information Coordinator shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.
V. Duties of the Officers
Section 1. Duties of the President shall be as follows:
- He/She shall call and preside over meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
- He/She shall review, with the Board of Directors, activities of the Organization.
- He/She shall, with the Board of Directors, establish and maintain policy within the framework of these By-Laws by which the Organization can carry out its purposes.
- He/She shall, with the Executive Committee, execute the policies established by the Board of Directors.
- He/She shall, assist members of each wife-line to establish a wife-line organization.
- He/She shall submit a report at least annually to the Board of Directors of the activities and accomplishments of the Organization.
- Whenever the Vice-President becomes President before his/her term expires the Vice-President shall appoint a new Vice-President and that appointment must be ratified by the Board of Directors at its next meeting.
- When the Board feels it is appropriate to call for, organize and preside at reunions of The Milo Andrus Family.
Section 2. Duties of the Vice-President shall be as follows:
- He/She shall function as the President when the President delegates that responsibility to him/her, when the President is absent at Board of Directors or Executive Committee meetings, when the President dies or is otherwise unable to function in his/her office.
- He/She shall discharge any assignments given him/her by the President that are in accord with the purposes of the Organization and that fall within the framework of these by-laws.
Section 3. Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer shall be as follows:
- He/She shall keep minutes of Board meetings, Executive Committee meetings and reunions of the Organization.
- He/She shall provide copies of the minutes to those who participate in the meetings of the Organization.
- He/She shall maintain adequate and proper financial records which shall be available for audit at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
- He/She shall receive and deposit money for the Organization in federally insured institutions.
- He/She shall disburse these funds by cheque which must bear any two of the following signatures: President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer.
- He/She shall discharge any assignments given him/her by the President that are in accord with the purposes of the Organization and that fall within the framework of these by-laws.
Section 4. Duties of the Research Coordinator shall be as follows:
- He/She shall develop, implement, supervise, and coordinate research in relation to ancestors and descendents of Milo Andrus and wives.
- He/She shall develop and maintain a repository/database of genealogical and family history information relating to ancestors and descendents of Milo Andrus and wives.
- He/She shall discharge any assignments given to him/her by the President that are in accord with the purposes of the Organization and that fall within the framework of these by-laws.
Section 5. Duties of the Information Coordinator shall be:
- He/She shall develop and maintain a repository/database of names, phone numbers, and addresses of the Organization members; develop, establish and maintain a communication web for Organization members.
- He/She shall develop, establish and maintain a web page of the Internet, and encourage, train and promote use of the web page among Organization members. Information provided by the web page is intended to replace the Milo Andrus Recorder.
- He/She shall carry out any assignments given him/her by the President that are in accord with the purposes of the Organization and that fall within the framework of these by-laws.
VI. Reunions
Section 1. Any reunions of the Milo Andrus Family shall be held bi-annually on even numbered years. They shall be held at a place and time determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Wife-Line Families shall be encouraged to hold reunions on odd-numbered years.
VII. Dissolution
Section 1. Upon dissolution of the Organization of the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for payment of all liabilities of the Organization, dispose of the assets of the Organization exclusively for the purposes of the Organization in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Revue Law), as the Board of Directors shall determine.
Section 2. Failure to hold the reunion or any election shall not disorganize the Organization.
VIII. Ratification
These by-laws shall be ratified by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of those attending a reunion of the Milo Andrus Family, or by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Board of Directors.